The Annie Grace Foundation, Inc.

Submit all information to :

The Annie Grace Foundation, Inc.

P.O. Box 886

Spring Lake, NC 28390 

aPPLICATIONS Are due by July 31st


Annie grace foundation scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a High School Graduating Senior of African American descent planning to attend a 2 or 4 year Historically Black College or University. Student must have minimum GPA of 3.0 and 200 community service hours. Please complete and print an application and submit a 1000 word essay on "Why did you choose to attend a Historically Black College or University?"

 Scholarship amount $1,000

Clarence stokes book scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a High School graduating Senior of African American descent planning to attend a 2 or 4 year Historically Black College or University. Student must have minimum GPA of 2.5 and 200 community service hours. Please complete and print an application and submit a 500 word essay on "After graduation how do you plan on giving back to your community?" 

Scholarship amount $500

Deborah stokes dream scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a High School Graduating Senior of African American descent planning to forgo college and follow their dreams. Whether it be to pursue a career or to become an entrepreneur.  Please complete and print an application submit a 500 word essay on "How will winning this scholarship help you achieve your goals?"Essay should be emailed to

Scholarship amount $250